Quinn Doula Services
Belly Binding
I am trained in ceremonial Malaysian Bengkung belly binding. My training has been endorsed by the Malaysian government and was held at the Mayalasian Office of Tourism in DTLA. I was lucky enough to learn from a fellow birth worker who has been a Malaysian resident for decades. Malaysia has the lowest rates of postpartum mood disorders.
The benefits of Bengkung binding include: back pain relief, ligament stabilization, spinal support, postural support leading to better milk supply, repair & closing of ab muscles, perineum support, torso support as vital organs return to pre-pregnancy position, pelvic floor reconditioning. While belly binding can have cosmetic benefits, the practice serves many purposes well beyond vanity.
Slow, mother centered postpartum work is what has kept Malaysian postpartum mood disorder rates at 3.9%.
All sessions include the full ceremony: light touch bodywork, herbal foot soak and postpartum tea.
$70 initial session, $50 additional sessions (client must purchase wrap separately, I will provide links to reputable sellers)
When do I get binding done? Belly binding for a vaginal birth is best done 2-5 days post birth, for a cesarean it is best done 10-14 days post birth. For a loss, it is done along the same timeline of mode of delivery.
How long do I wear it? 8-12 hours per day, as many days per week as possible for 6 weeks.